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Sailing Club of Washington

SCOW 2024 Election for the SCOW 2025 Board of Directors



Lynn Durbin

Lynn’s love of sailing began in high school, where she sailed with friends on the Great South Bay in a small town on Long Island, NY. After a decades-long hiatus from sailing, she picked it up again, first through the Washington Sailing Marina, then by joining SCOW in 2013.

Since then, Lynn has become both a Flying Scot and Cruiser Skipper. She shares her passion for sailing as an Trainer for SCOW’s Basic Sailing class, a tutor for both Flying Scots and cruisers, and by actively participating in maintenance projects for the Flying Scot fleet.

Lynn is the owner of Flying Scot 5422, which she sails in the Potomac River, and Flying Scot 3976, which she sails on the Great South Bay.

When not sailing or thinking about sailing, Lynn runs her personal training businesses in McLean, gardens and spends time with her family. She is also a lifelong NY Mets fan who is delighted to see them in the playoffs this year.

Candidate Statement:
It is an honor to serve on SCOW’s Board of Directors. In addition to running two businesses, I have served in the capacity of President and chief fundraiser for organizations in my community in Arlington. The knowledge and experience gained by holding these positions allowed me to offer SCOW the skills needed to effectively serve as Vice Commodore for the past two years.

As Commodore, I will continue working with the Board of Directors towards evaluating and updating our policies and procedures to ensure they serve SCOW’S present and future needs as our membership continues to grow.

SCOW has a friendly vibe with members who are eager to share their knowledge and experience with others and to promote sailing as an activity available to everyone. It is what makes SCOW unique as an organization, and along with good stewardship, contributes to its longevity and success. I will do my part to contribute to this legacy.

Brian McPherson

Brian joined SCOW about 10 years ago after discovering a nearby all-volunteer sailing club. He increased his involvement each year serving as Bosun, Skipper Director, Vice Commodore and currently Commodore. Brian is both a Flying Scot & Cruiser skipper and Flying Scot trainer.

When not at the marina - Brian resides in Alexandria with his wife Missy. Their children Rob & Heather are both SCOW Members. Brian is a CFP & Senior Vice President for past 30 years with Raymond James & Associates.

Candidate Statement:
After the uncertainty of a few years ago – the club is in great shape – membership has grown, the training program continues to be popular, both Social Sail and WNR have great attendance – your club is thriving.

John Duckworth

After relocating to Alexandria in early 2022, John discovered SCOW after happening upon the Washington Sailing Marina looking to rent a sailboat. Now, a Flying Scot and cruiser skipper, he's an avid sailor and (thanks to SCOW) racer. John worked this year as a bosun on the cruiser maintenance team and looks forward to many more seasons of fun and learning on the water.

Candidate Statement:
I am delighted to accept the nomination for secretary and am looking forward to the opportunity to continue contributing to a club that gives so much to its members.

Mike Hooban

Mike began sailing with business associates in London, on the Thames River, in a type of dinghy called an Enterprise, in the mid 2000’s. On his first outing the boat capsized under Kew Bridge, so it could only get better from then on. He also had the opportunity to sail in the Solent (the channel between mainland England and the Isle of Wight) on a large keel-boat (probably 35 feet or so). He ultimately decided to take sailing lessons at Belle Haven Marina, and subsequently joined SCOW in 2011. After buying his own boat, an American 14.6, and sailing it from Washington Sailing Marina for a few years, Mike purchased a Flying Scot, the “Green Hornet” in 2014, and began racing it with SCOW at the urging of Julian Mallett, Dick Vida and Dave Beckett. Mike served as SCOW treasurer in 2015 through 2024.

Mike is retired from 30+ years of business ownership, previously worked for 7 and a half years for Arthur Young & Company (now Ernst & Young) and is a 6.5 year Army veteran of the Vietnam conflict as well as service in Korea. He has an MBA degree, and has served as treasurer and general manager of other entities, including his son’s 1st division soccer team in the NCSL (National Capitol Soccer League), and Team River Runner, a 501c3 organization dedicated to helping injured veterans recover through paddle sports such as kayaking, canoeing and stand-up paddle boarding. In addition to sailing, both competitive and recreational, Mike enjoys kayaking, cycling, and building model boats.

Mike has enjoyed enormously his association with SCOW and the many good people in the club. Mike is married to Ok Sop (since 1971), lives in Arlington, and has four grown children and two grandchildren, Wyatt and Ella. Mike is an instructor in SCOW’s sailing training program, a tutor and a checkout skipper, has filled in as Training Director, and has supported the Special Olympics and the Leukemia Cup.

Candidate Statement:
I like to feel I’ve made a contribution as treasurer in each year since 2015 and hope to do the same in 2025. My goals are to keep the organization on its current firm financial footing and make sure that funds are used wisely and in accordance with SCOW policies.

Specific goals are to maintain the records on a current basis, provide regular reports to the board to support decision making, make sure that bill payments and expense reimbursements are done on a very timely basis, and ensure that the budget process is followed, and that funds are managed in accordance with budget guidelines and SCOW by-laws.

I am hoping to see a team of mature, experienced, committed people, with demonstrated performance in SCOW and elsewhere, elected to the 2025 board. I hope the incoming board will prove as competent and dedicated as previous boards. I believe the focus should be on key items such as accountability, opportunities for member participation, evaluating our fleet configuration, and achieving a balance among club activities. It will be my goal to provide support and insight into the financial aspects of each of these areas I think it will be especially important to have experienced leadership in this difficult and uncertain time.


Tricia Wolfbauer

Tricia started sailing in 2010. Growing up in Metro-Detroit she had a natural love of boating and the water. Tricia met her first crew at the Annapolis Boat Show, while volunteering with CRAB (Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating). She gleefully started off as “weight” for the Race Across the Bay and raced on a few different boats that summer. It was at one of the famous post-race Tiki Bar parties where she met her next crew and began racing in the Women’s Frostbite Series in Solomon’s, MD, eventually moving up to the role of Trim. Tricia found and started sailing with SCOW in 2021 as a fun, outdoor, relatively “socially distant” activity, participating mainly in the Wednesday Night Racing Series. Unfortunately, she had to take a year off while working nightshift, but she was able to come back to SCOW in 2023, mainly for the Thursday Social Sails. This summer she completed the SCOW Skipper Class and is hoping to start tutoring sessions in the 2025 season. Tricia funds her sailing habit by “daylighting” as a General Engineer for the Federal Government. She is also heavily involved in ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) in roles from Communications Chair, VP, & President of our DMV section. Tricia loves giving back to the communities that invigorate herself and others.

Candidate Statement:
SCOW is the best sailing group I’ve encountered. Since the first time I met you, I knew you were my people. Not only are you sailors, but you are funny, kind, welcoming, & down-to-earth. I am excited to give back to the club in the capacity of Social Sail Director. I know that I have great shoes to fill - Genevieve has set an amazing foundation for the Social Sail. Now it is time to let her get out in the water more often. I hope I will be able to serve SCOW in a way that will continue an honor the Social Sail Legacy – making new members feel like long-time friends since the first day they meet us.

Allen Flanigan

Allen Flanigan has served as SCOW's Training Director for the past two years. He grew up in Connecticut and got his first exposure to sailboats (Sunfish) on the Connecticut shoreline at a family picnic. While studying Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute from 1978-1982, he learned to sail lasers on Indian Lake in Worcester MA, and also spent 7 weeks doing a college project at Mystic Seaport Museum, surrounded by classic wooden sailboats, some of which he actually got to sail. A career at the US Patent and Trademark Office brought him to Alexandria, VA and the Potomac River.

Occasional boat rentals at WSM and while on vacation at Cape Cod led to his first boat purchase. Shortly after joining Hobie fleet 196 and becoming active in the fleet, long time SCOW member Bennett Ackerman and his wife Jean enlisted Allen's help with their Montgomery County Special Olympic sailing program. In 1999 Allen sailed with Virginia athlete Kirsten Stone in the Special Olympics World Games and went on to start a Virginia Special Olympic sailing program in Alexandria. His Patent Office career gave him the flexibility to pursue his sailing passion and other hobbies while raising a family. He joined SCOW in 2017 and lives a busy retired life. He can often be seen out on the Potomac on various sailboats, or at the marina working on his own boats or helping other people with theirs.

Candidate Statement:
Fellow Sailors and Sailing Enthusiasts - 
I am honored to be asked to serve as Training Director once again in 2025. I have been “
learning the ropes” by conducting tutoring, participating in training, and meeting members through social sail and Wednesday Night Racing.  I am rather humbled by the amount of effort that goes into conducting the various training programs that SCOW offers to its members, and could not have gotten to this point without the help of many people, including my predecessors, fellow board members, and trainers and tutors of various experience levels.  I have enjoyed meeting and sailing with members new and old, and I feed off their enthusiasm in my quest to stay engaged in trying to meet the growing demand for training from our members.

I hope that with your support I can once again strive to provide  high quality sailing training to as many members as possible, and help SCOW continue its tradition of social and sailing engagement between members by teaching all of our skippers and prospective skippers how to safely enjoy the Potomac on our boats.  To me there is nothing as fun as getting out on the Potomac in a fair breeze with a crew of enthusiastic sailors to experience the camaraderie, challenge, and contemplation that getting out on the river offers, and I will do my part to keep the spirit of SCOW alive.

Amy Singer

Amy joined SCOW in 2023 where she is both a Flying Scot and Cruiser Skipper. Amy was thrilled to find a way to integrate sailing into her life and connect with others who love being out on the water after spending all her summers sailing growing up at Camp Seafarer in North Carolina. She learned to sail as a camper on Sunfish, Flying Scots, Lightnings, and Keelboats and then worked as a camp counselor and sailing instructor for several summers too. Amy moved to DC in 2020 after spending two years volunteering across the country with AmeriCorps. When she isn't sailing, Amy enjoys helping people through her work at FEMA, baking, and biking.

Candidate Statement:
I am excited to be considered for the River & Bay Director role this year. Since joining SCOW in 2023, I have enjoyed many social sails, training classes, Friday night raft ups, and taking friends out on the river. I recently took the Clifton Strengths assessments, which I would say accurately described and confirmed my top five strengths to be “Responsibility, Arranger, Discipline, Strategic, and Positive.” Whether spearheading an employee engagement event or leadership training at work or building campers’ confidence and skills while teaching them to sail, I have enjoyed utilizing these strengths to find fun ways to share what I love with others. As the potential next River & Bay Director, I hope to continue utilizing my strengths to plan events and connect club members through our shared love of being out on the water.

Dana Howe

Dana first started sailing Flying Scots at the Pensacola Navy Yacht Club while attending Navy Photo School in the 1980’s. He joined SCOW in 2017 and adopted Sunset Song as his favorite club boat until he bought his own boat “Double D” (named after himself and his sailing partner Dick Kerr) in the Fall of 2019. He participates in the Flying Scot Wednesday Night Racing program and goes on the road occasionally to enter local area regattas.

Candidate Statement:
I was all set to walk away from this boat-fixing gig until I was offered a signing bonus, stock options, and an insane bump in salary that will catapult me into the one-percent of the one-percenters. Can't walk away from that.  Vote for me and I’ll happily keep fixin’ what you be breakin’! Any rocket scientists in SCOW want to help me build a space company? I’m going to call it SCOWX.

Joe Caminiti

Joe says it would be an honor to serve as Cruiser Maintenance Director and be nominated to the SCOW's Board of Directors.  He ran numerous successful businesses and is a retired Sergeant of Law Enforcement with a comprehensive background in investigations and leadership positions. His first Law Enforcement job was being the Pilot of a Marine Unit in MD.

Joe is a product of two parents born on an Island so water is his life. Motor Yachting was his first love while in High School on the Chesapeake Bay as 1st Mate chartering on a 62 foot Chris Craft that he helped stretch out from its original 50 feet design. It has since been replaced by Racing Sailboats, Coastal Cruising and Off-shore Sailing in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Joe has successfully completed all ASA certifications on Monohulls and Catamarans, has obtained his International Yachtsman Certification and is a certified ASA instructor. He is actively seeking his Commercial US Coast Guard MASTERS License. Yacht Maintenance is a love of Joe's as he has learned from many great skilled craftsman and Captains. Engine repair & maintenance, Line/Sheet works, Sail fabrics, Canvas material repair, sewing, metal, wood & fiberglass work are just a few skills he has in his tool bag. 

Candidate Statement:
I respectfully request to volunteer for the Cruiser Maintenance Director position for SCOW 2025. We had a very successful year keeping our Cruisers Shipshape. I owe it all to our amazing 2024 Bosun Team; Marco,  John and Josh and their respective Bosun Crews are the best.

If elected I will do my best to contribute to the club’s successes and legacy, especially by the example of the Directors before me. Creating the safest SCOW Cruisers is paramount for us as an organization and ensuring the furtherance of our beloved sport of sailing. I'm looking forward to working with, teaching and leading our amazing Bosun Team 2025 in our Cruiser Maintenance program. I plan to recruit others in the spirit of volunteerism so as to grow our club and ensure more skilled Bosuns come behind us to seek the growth and benefit of our various positions that our Club offers.


David Metcalf

David comes from a line of New England salts and began racing as a teen in San Diego. He kept up with sailing off and on, and until a few years ago spent his weekends chasing three children in travel soccer. In 2020 he rediscovered his love for sailboat racing and after participating in Wednesday Night Racing he bought his first Flying Scot. He is enthusiastic about sailboat racing which he calls “The great undiscovered sport” and hopes you will join him for WNR and for SCOW regattas. David lives in Centreville; he is a Civil Engineer with a specialty in transportation and works for Volkert Inc.

Candidate Statement:

I have sincerely enjoyed this past year as your Racing Director. Many thanks to a large cast of fellow sailors that have make our program possible. We will continue to build on the legacy of Dave Beckett and Bonnie Slywester to make SCOW Racing fun and competitive.

I have witnessed that SCOW is the one club at the WSM that gives inexperienced sailors the chance to get comfortable with sailing. Racing improves boat handling, sail trim and general seamanship. As such I believe the racing program plays an important role for SCOW to meet its goals.

Josh Morin

Josh did not learn how to sail until 2018 but has been all in since then. He became a SCOT skipper in 2020 and a cruiser skipper in 2021. In addition to being a member of SCOW he has been a member of a keel boat club on the Bay. He and his family have been on charter vacations on the Chesapeake and most recently in the Florida Keys. In addition to sailing, he enjoys scuba diving, swimming, fishing—basically anything in/on the water. Professionally he is an IT Director at a national non-profit and he knows the responsibility of the Board in maintaining the livelihood of the club.

Candidate Statement:
As an all-volunteer organization SCOW is only as good as the people who run it. I have gotten so much out of SCOW, I look forward to giving back.

Randy Rosenfeld

Randy grew up in New Orleans, LA and has lived in the D.C. area since 1989. He retired in December 2023 after over 34 years of working for the U.S. Government.

Prior to joining SCOW, Randy he had no sailing experience.  He decided he wanted to learn how to sail while on a trip to Hawaii in 2005.  The next year, Randy joined SCOW.  Since joining SCOW Randy has learned to sail.  He has been a Flying Scot skipper for 18 years.  During that time, he has actively participated in SCOW Social Sails and Wednesday Night Racing.  Randy has been assistant Skipper Director since January 2023.  Randy has also rented Sunfish sailboats in his spare time.

Randy views sailing as a constant learning process.  There is always something new to learn.  Randy has found SCOW’s Flying Scots great sailboats for learning how to sail.

Candidate Statement:
The Skipper Director is important for ensuring that SCOW focuses on safety and the skill of its sailors.  The Skipper Director ensures that skippers of our boats know how to sail safely.  When the Skipper Director duties are done well, it ensures that the time tutors and trainers spend training new sailors is time well spent.


Sailing Club of Washington  [SCOW]
PO Box 25884  •  Alexandria  •  VA  •  22313

We keep our boats at Washington Sailing Marina on Daingerfield Island
1 Marina Drive  •  Alexandria  •  VA  •  22314

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